American Made and Union Made Promotional Products

All Union Promos is dedicated to sourcing ONLY AMERICAN MADE and UNION MADE products for your business.  If your needs are for a Convention, Event, Holiday, or to just looking for new ideas for your Local's Store we are here to provide you what you need.

We always provide manufacturer's Union Affiliation whenever possible to ensure your products are UNION MADE! Remember......make sure it says "MADE IN THE USA."

If you have any questions about the site or about any of our products, please send us an email or give us a call any time at (844) 877-6668.

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Featured Blogs

  • How One Hour Can Determine Your Success

    How One Hour Can Determine Your Success

    After working a long, tiring day, all you want to do is plop down on the sofa and watch TV. The thought of laying on the couch spending hours of mindless activity is tempting to most. In fact, the ...

  • Industry Deep Dive: Pet Industry

    Industry Deep Dive: Pet Industry

    The pet industry is booming, with more and more people welcoming furry friends into their homes every year. In fact, according to the American Pet Products Association, Americans spent a whopping $...

  • 10 Must-Have Tech Products and Accessories

    10 Must-Have Tech Products and Accessories

    If you want to give your brand a modern and fresh new identity try throwing some cutting-edge tech gadgets into your marketing mix. The wave of wireless charging options, portable speakers, and wea...


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